Medicine Man of Lambir - Part 2

Part 1 of 2 | Part 2 of 2

One of the most popular cures he has been selling over the last 30 years is the bark for jaundice or yellow problem.

Haji Suni demonstrated his cure by soaking a special leaf in water for several days. And the resultant liquid is his eye lotion.

Although over 100 years old now, he doesn’t need glasses — his eyesight is still very good and he has no problems reading.

He said in this modern time, the government had brought a lot of progress to the people. And he is happy to see that with better transportation and greater wealth now, his patients are able to drive to his house in Lambir.

Today, many parents also come to him to seek cures for budak nakal (hyperactive children) who do not listen to their parents or teachers. He claims to have a cure for that!

Grandmothers buy the bark from him — and keep it even before their grandchildren are born.

“They buy the bark in packets as a standby,” he said.

Haji Suni also has a bark to treat heart problems. By taking the medication — prepared by soaking the bark in boiled water in a bottle — four times a day, the condition can be alleviated.

Many have come all the way from Sabah to use the bark for this particular problem. Some of his patients found they needn’t have to go for surgery.

A friend in Miri, looking for a cure her gastric problems, was brought by an elderly aunt to see Haji Suni.

As the Haji promised, her gastric problem was cleared in two weeks after using a solution, mixed with a special bark.

At first, the patient drank the water four times a day and to her amazement, she already felt better after the first three days.

Mindang (not her real name) is an Iban woman selling jungle vegetables next to Haji Suni’s stall at the Tamu Kedaya.

And she is keen to promote the Haji.

“Haji Suni is a very kind man. If he charges people more than RM100, they are likely to pay because his cures are really good. People come from Sabah and Brunei. A few politicians have come to his house too. In fact, our Haji can become a millionaire if he wants to. But he is very humble and sincere. He only wants to cure people, not make money,” she said.

Haji Suni does not charge much — RM10 for a small packet of bark for two days’ consumption or RM30 for heart ailments.

“It’s all right. I’m happy when people come back to thank me. My children and I have many acres of hilly land along the road — from Lambir to Marudi,” he said.

“Each truck of soil sold is already a lot of money for me and my family. And every month, we receive a large sum of money from the soil business. Money is there and I don’t really want more. What I’m selling here is just for my wife and I as pocket money. I just want to help people.”

Haji Suni kept a Chinese newspaper cutting in his pocket which showed him signing a memorandum of understanding with the government and a private company for a joint venture on herbal research.

He said the land had been given to the company for research on medicinal plants — and he is looking for more barks, leaves and herbs to promote Malay herbal medicine.

His local knowledge of plants, herbs and cures will be a big help to the research company.

A few YBs whom he has helped are backing the joint venture.

Haji Suni said there is plenty of land where indigenous plants and herbs could be found.

He will be at the Tamu Kedayan from 7.30am to 11.30am everyday. In the evenings, he will be at home in Lambir to receive his patients.

“Anyone — from any race — is welcome,” he said.

Source: The Borneo Post

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